Green Activities - State of New Jersey

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New Jersey Going Green
The purpose of this report is to provide an overview of the current status of green industries in New Jersey and outline opportunities for the state as it works to create more innovative and forward-looking strategies for the green energy workforce. Profiled are “potentially green” industries or industries with a significant proportion of activities related to the green economy. Next, a regional analysis was conducted, assessing the competitiveness of green industries in New Jersey’s three regions. For each of these regions, the core occupations skills required by its most competitive green industry(ies) are highlighted. This skill-demand analysis will be evaluated vis-à-vis the current supply of training programs provided by New Jersey’s county colleges and vocational schools. The current and potential skills supply will also be assessed vis-à-vis training program needs identified by previous research. Finally, and in an effort to provide pathways for development for dislocated workers as well as workers who just entered the labor market, various "green career pathways" are outlined.