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Employment Development Department

Labor Market Information

California Size of Firm Report, 1999 - Santa Cruz-Watsonville PMSA (Santa Cruz County)

Table 4
Reporting Units, UI Insured Employment, and UI Insured Payroll
by Size of Firm (Private Industry)
Classified by Standard Industrial Classification Division
Third Quarter, 1999

NOTE: These data extend to the right. Print using landscape and 8.5 by 11 inch paper.
Number of reporting units with specified number of employees
MSA and Industry Total 0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 999 1000
or more
Reporting Units 7,880 4,676 1,379 916 581 202 99 20 4 3
Reporting Units 644 314 98 110 66 31 18 6 0 1
Employment 12,965 427 665 1,497 2,126 2,022 2,750 [2] 0 [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $70,041 $2,208 $3,625 $7,280 $11,121 $12,326 $13,488 [2] $0 [1]
Reporting Units 6 3 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0
Employment 66 6 [1] 0 [1] 0 0 0 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $716 $24 [1] $0 [1] $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 840 591 141 67 28 9 3 1 0 0
Employment 4,882 809 903 850 896 532 [2] [1] 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $46,705 $6,310 $6,548 $7,384 $8,993 $5,465 [2] [1] $0 $0
Reporting Units 419 200 70 57 50 21 14 5 1 1
Employment 10,275 300 444 807 1,559 1,402 2,297 1,737 [1] [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $138,557 $2,233 $3,554 $7,385 $14,755 $15,095 $27,456 $34,236 [1] [1]
Reporting Units 219 119 32 30 24 7 7 0 0 0
Employment 3,017 188 217 395 705 495 1,017 0 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $25,589 $1,175 $1,246 $2,511 $5,155 $3,879 $11,624 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 386 211 67 53 34 12 8 1 0 0
Employment 4,482 321 427 727 944 822 [2] [1] 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $42,956 $3,126 $4,043 $6,735 $7,971 $6,490 [2] [1] $0 $0
Reporting Units 1,521 621 333 279 202 65 20 0 1 0
Employment 21,204 1,030 2,217 3,708 6,282 4,559 [2] 0 [1] 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $100,843 $5,243 $9,570 $14,415 $27,095 $25,158 [2] $0 [1] $0
Reporting Units 547 367 103 46 21 5 5 0 0 0
Employment 3,622 570 707 598 689 436 622 0 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $28,229 $3,962 $5,536 $4,882 $6,434 $2,856 $4,559 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 3,298 2,250 534 274 154 52 24 7 2 1
Employment 26,870 2,962 3,474 3,726 4,611 3,627 3,398 2,553 [1] [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $205,808 $20,629 $24,168 $27,655 $34,740 $32,089 $22,122 $22,468 [1] [1]

[1] Data are confidential because there are fewer than three reporting units in this category or one or two employers make up 80 percent of the employment within the cell.

[2] Data are suppressed because confidential data could be extrapolated if those totals were included.

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