Occupations with Fastest Job Growth (% change) in Butte County
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Solar Photovoltaic Installers2018 - 202850803060.0
Helpers, Installation and Repair Workers2018 - 202830401033.3
Helpers, Brickmasons and Tile Setters2018 - 202830401033.3
Database Administrators2018 - 202830401033.3
Computer Network Support Specialists2018 - 202830401033.3
Mathematical Scientists2018 - 202830401033.3
Architects, Except Landscape and Naval2018 - 202830401033.3
Engineers, All Other2018 - 202830401033.3
Nonfarm Animal Caretakers2018 - 202860802033.3
Skin Care Specialists2018 - 202830401033.3