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Employment Development Department

Labor Market Information

California Size of Firm Report, 1997 - Stockton MSA

Table 4
Reporting Units, UI Insured Employment, and UI Insured Payroll
by Size of Firm (Private Industry)
Classified by Standard Industrial Classification Division
Third Quarter, 1997

NOTE: These data extend to the right. Print using landscape and 8.5 by 11 inch paper.
Number of reporting units with specified number of employees
MSA and Industry Total 0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 999 1000
or more
Reporting Units 11,910 6,892 1,994 1,340 1,046 362 205 52 15 4
Reporting Units 1,595 893 284 168 164 44 29 11 2 0
Employment 22,755 1,165 1,849 2,190 4,911 2,995 4,453 [2] [1] 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $83,705 $6,048 $8,107 $9,902 $21,103 $11,182 $13,263 [2] [1] $0
Reporting Units 9 3 2 0 4 0 0 0 0 0
Employment 120 3 [1] 0 [2] 0 0 0 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $1,073 $32 [1] $0 [2] $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 972 594 155 124 76 14 9 0 0 0
Employment 8,065 815 1,037 1,662 2,153 973 1,425 0 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $64,720 $4,638 $6,037 $11,617 $17,349 $10,370 $14,710 $0 $0 $0
Reporting Units 523 160 76 78 84 56 42 19 7 1
Employment 27,619 254 538 1,073 2,591 3,978 6,375 6,003 [2] [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $219,836 $3,063 $3,838 $8,508 $17,814 $31,697 $55,954 $44,523 [2] [1]
Reporting Units 551 269 91 61 62 42 21 3 1 1
Employment 12,702 407 599 825 1,862 2,712 3,205 811 [1] [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $106,573 $2,369 $3,868 $5,856 $14,036 $24,737 $27,829 $3,716 [1] [1]
Reporting Units 585 253 129 91 78 20 13 0 1 0
Employment 9,147 452 871 1,238 2,257 1,495 [2] 0 [1] 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $74,834 $3,498 $6,181 $9,988 $17,941 $12,247 [2] $0 [1] $0
Reporting Units 2,240 931 486 394 295 98 32 4 0 0
Employment 31,717 1,665 3,221 5,311 9,220 6,485 4,583 1,232 0 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $129,532 $5,610 $11,320 $18,671 $35,547 $29,016 $25,399 $3,970 $0 $0
Reporting Units 826 536 133 76 51 16 9 4 1 0
Employment 8,727 903 899 1,053 1,463 1,058 1,580 [2] [1] 0
Total Payroll (in thousands) $65,621 $5,553 $5,531 $7,801 $12,184 $7,657 $13,196 [2] [1] $0
Reporting Units 4,609 3,253 638 348 232 72 50 11 3 2
Employment 42,065 4,204 4,139 4,632 6,933 4,933 6,983 3,715 [2] [1]
Total Payroll (in thousands) $225,482 $23,271 $23,266 $24,248 $40,166 $24,148 $30,626 $20,696 [2] [1]

[1] Data are confidential because there are fewer than three reporting units in this category or one or two employers make up 80 percent of the employment within the cell.

[2] Data are suppressed because confidential data could be extrapolated if those totals were included.

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