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Employment Development Department

Labor Market Information

California Size of Firm Report, 1995 - San Francisco PMSA

Table 4
Reporting Units, UI Insured Employment, and UI Insured Payroll
by Size of Firm (Private Industry)
Classified by Standard Industrial Classification Division
Third Quarter, 1995

NOTE: These data extend to the right. Print using landscape and 8.5 by 11 inch paper.
Number of reporting units with specified number of employees
MSA and Industry Total 0 to 4 5 to 9 10 to 19 20 to 49 50 to 99 100 to 249 250 to 499 500 to 999 1000
or more
Reporting Units 72,778 48,640 10,064 6,656 4,546 1,632 902 216 82 40
Reporting Units 1,078 729 166 100 58 16 5 3 1 0
Employment 8,762 1,075 1,082 1,316 1,797 993 836 [2] [1] 0
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$45,298 $4,753 $5,504 $6,660 $9,673 $5,961 $5,100 [2] [1] 0
Reporting Units 30 19 4 4 1 1 0 1 0 0
Employment 515 21 23 47 [1] [1] 0 [1] 0 0
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$12,351 $335 $525 $634 [1] [1] 0 [1] 0 0
Reporting Units 4,694 3,364 659 372 195 68 31 5 0 0
Employment 30,299 4,003 4,313 4,951 5,843 4,764 4,853 1,572 0 0
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$289,083 $25,574 $32,581 $43,136 $57,686 $55,472 $53,713 $20,921 0 0
Reporting Units 3,220 1,461 572 488 401 169 94 20 11 4
Employment 73,393 2,162 3,808 6,624 12,160 11,815 14,528 6,610 6,887 8,799
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$732,902 $16,771 $27,552 $49,037 $102,154 $98,146 $149,677 $65,221 $88,700 $135,645
Reporting Units 2,130 1,074 340 247 265 97 70 24 7 6
Employment 74,725 1,679 2,259 3,420 8,279 6,703 10,336 7,844 4,711 29,494
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$790,307 $13,278 $17,025 $25,670 $71,430 $61,194 $97,282 $89,320 $40,649 $374,461
Reporting Units 4,981 2,965 857 594 389 108 54 11 3 0
Employment 51,050 4,491 5,668 7,895 11,472 7,413 8,018 4,130 1,963 0
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$549,148 $43,580 $50,326 $75,810 $108,964 $85,828 $83,693 $66,312 $34,636 0
Reporting Units 12,525 6,330 2,572 1,775 1,238 434 142 24 8 2
Employment 154,333 10,308 17,168 24,083 37,508 29,556 20,233 7,844 [2] [1]
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$846,249 $149,764 $66,870 $96,233 $163,037 $152,250 $119,555 $42,098 [2] [1]
Reporting Units 6,903 4,591 939 653 420 151 96 33 11 9
Employment 97,404 6,223 6,197 8,717 12,569 10,483 14,996 11,391 7,954 18,874
Total Wages
(in thousands) 
$1,296,773 $61,226 $68,899 $97,727 $171,725 $136,709 $244,284 $150,524 $111,795 $253,884
Reporting Units 37,217 28,107 3,955 2,423 1,579 588 410 95 41 19
Employment 328,150 31,621 25,987 32,596 47,525 40,491 62,817 32,041 27,744 27,328
Total Wages
(in thousands)
$2,888,205 $236,772 $219,431 $259,610 $404,352 $362,866 $561,499 $284,258 $236,833 $322,584

[1] Data are confidential because there are fewer than three reporting units in this category or one or two employers make up 80 percent of the employment within the cell.

[2] Data are suppressed because confidential data could be extrapolated if those totals were included.

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