Training Program Summary

American Sign Language (ASL)
A program that focuses on American Sign Language as a visual and motor medium of communication and discourse for deaf individuals and deaf culture. Includes instruction in the development of ASL, ASL morphology and syntax, signing technique, English translation of ASL, formal and colloquial ASL, and ASL transcription.
Training Providers for American Sign Language (ASL) in
Provider Name
Program Name
Berkeley City College American Sign Language (ASL) 
Los Angeles Pierce College American Sign Language (ASL) 
Hope International University American Sign Language (ASL) 
American River College American Sign Language (ASL) 
American River College American Sign Language (ASL) 
Redlands Adult School American Sign Language (ASL) 
Fallbrook Union High School District American Sign Language (ASL) 
San Diego County ROP Oceanside Unified School District American Sign Language (ASL) 

Occupational Details for this Training Program are not available.