Credit Analysts

in California

Analyze current credit data and financial statements of individuals or firms to determine the degree of risk involved in extending credit or lending money. Prepare reports with this credit information for use in decision-making. [More Details...]

Skills - Importance and Competence Level for this occupation (1-low, 100-high)[Top]
SkillsImportanceCompetence Level
Active Learning8055
Active Listening9359
Critical Thinking8359
Information Gathering9059
Information Organization7757
Judgment and Decision Making10057
Problem Identification9062
Reading Comprehension8762
Solution Appraisal8055

Employment Projections[Top]
 AreaEstimated Year - Projected YearEmploymentEmployment ChangeAnnual Avg Openings
California 2018 - 20288,6008,9003003.58,180

AreaTime PeriodHourly MeanHourly by Percentile
California 2023$48.04$30.91$39.48$62.34

Workers must have a Bachelor's degree to gain the necessary skills for this occupation.However, those with related work experience would have a competitive advantage in this labor market.

Training Programs[Top]
The following are the training programs available for the Occupation: Credit Analysts
  1. Accounting
  2. Credit Management
  3. Finance, General

Job Openings from JobCentral National Labor Exchange[Top]
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