Funeral Service Managers

in California

Plan, direct, or coordinate the services or resources of funeral homes. Includes activities such as determining prices for services or merchandise and managing the facilities of funeral homes. Excludes “Morticians, Undertakers, and Funeral Directors” (39-4031). [More Details...]

Skills - Importance and Competence Level for this occupation (1-low, 100-high)[Top]
SkillsImportanceCompetence Level
Active Listening8752
Service Orientation8048
Social Perceptiveness8359

Employment Projections[Top]
 AreaEstimated Year - Projected YearEmploymentEmployment ChangeAnnual Avg Openings
California 2018 - 20281,1001,30020018.21,120

Data for Wages not available.

Workers must have a Associate degree to gain the necessary skills for this occupation.However, those with related work experience would have a competitive advantage in this labor market.

Data for Training Programs not available.

Job Openings from JobCentral National Labor Exchange[Top]
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